Monday, March 10, 2014

25 Days | Remembering Habits

Remember back when we first started?  We placed an emphasis on practicing habits.  How are you doing with practicing?  Not with being perfect...but with practicing?

“When we have the same thought again, the line of the original thought is deepened, causing what's called a memory trace. With each repetition the trace goes deeper and deeper, forming and embedding a pattern of thought. When an emotion is tied to this thought pattern, the memory trace grows exponentially stronger.” 
― Lysa TerKeurstUnglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions


  1. i need this today! I am in a carb rut! I start out the day strong, and finish strong, and am weak all day... not huge weak... but enough, that I feel it... tired, again, no fat burn... please pray for me, that I ask God for help, not food for help... where does my strength come from? it comes from the Lord!
