
The 90-Day Transformation with Julie & Hope

Over the last two years, as I (Julie) have been on my journey toward losing more than 160 pounds, one thing has become abundantly clear to me.  A diet does not create health.  We must replace bad habits (habits that lead to overweight, obesity, and disease) with new habits—the habits of health!

“Habits are to life as rails are to trains.”  -Charlotte Mason, Educator

The 90-Day Transformation is an opportunity to implement healthy habits into your own life.

What it is not:
·      It is not a competition.
·      It is not based on prizes.
·      It is not based on a prescribed program.
·      It is not about forcing anyone to do anything.

What it is:
·      It is an opportunity to learn.
·      It provides an outlet for support, encouragement, community and accountability.
·      It gives you the opportunity to begin transforming your health, your life, your thinking, and your habits.
·      It is what YOU make it!

How it works:
·      The week between Christmas & New Year will be your best opportunity to register.  The “Rate Your Health” sheet must be completed and submitted to me before you start participating, preferably before the first of the year as the 90 days will begin on January 2.  This is the only requirement.  Email it back to me at jgarnerhealthcoach@gmail.com.  There is NO COST to join!  You may invite your friends to participate as well.  I think it’s great to do it with people who are in your circle of friends for added support.

·      Each participant is encouraged (but not required) to purchase and read Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen’s Discover Your Optimal Health, Dr. A’s Habits of Health and do the Living A Longer Healthier Life companion guide workbook.  These can be purchased on my website (www.jgarner.tsfl.com), on Dr. A’s site (www.drwayneandersen.com/bookstore/) or at any online bookseller, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.  These books have been the cornerstones for the “mental” changes I have needed to make over the last two years.  I continue to learn and grow from them.

·      You will be given access to a private blog that will have daily posts including: habits of health tips to keep you thinking; healthy challenges that will encourage you to make small, incremental changes; success celebrations that will help keep you motivated and inspired; and an opportunity to connect with other like-minded people who share your goals and desires for health transformation.  The blog will also have links to more support available to you.

·      You are encouraged to send weekly weigh-ins to me via email.  These weigh-in results will not be public.  It will be an opportunity for you to interact personally with me.  If you’re struggling in a certain area, just let me know and I will provide appropriate feedback to help you get on track.

·      We’ll have fun! Points will be assigned to certain action steps.  For example, you could earn points for sending weigh-ins, for completing challenges, for submitting food journals, etc.  Why points?  Well, I strongly feel that we will not create lasting results by dangling “carrots” out in front of you (i.e. “If you lose the most weight, you’ll go home with a $1,000 cash prize!’).  These kinds of incentives don’t promote healthy habits—they promote competition and going to crazy extremes to win.  However, I also know, everyone loves a great reward or a pat on the back for work well done!  So, the points will be a way for you to measure your own accomplishments.  Perhaps you can reward yourself for getting a certain number of points each week.  And, along the 90 days—I will throw out some surprises as well! 

·      There are no winners—so there are no losers.  There is no way to fail at this 90-Day Transformation!  This is your journey, and I’m just here to walk alongside of you!  In fact, I’m on my own journey to health.   We never arrive at optimal health—we just keep journeying.  So, as long as you don’t quit…you don’t lose! (Well, except weight—you’ll likely be losing that!)

How Do You Transform:

While we will be exploring a lot of broad habits of health—we will be focusing on a few important ones.  In my weight loss journey, these have been the most significant so far:

Training in the habit of eating 6 small meals a day, which keeps your blood sugar steady, your appetite under control, and your body performing at its best! (See page 3 for options)

Drinking LOTS of water!

Finding lifestyle activity that you LOVE and ENJOY so that you are becoming a more active person.  Not all of us are “gym rats”—so, find what you love to do.  Life’s too short to not enjoy yourself.

Practicing good sleeping habits.

Monitoring our habits—food logs, exercise journals, weigh-in charts, etc…

Be honest about what you want!  What does optimal health mean to you?  And if you could have that…how would your life look differently than it does now?  Envision that life and GO FOR IT!!!!

When Do We Start?
First thing in the morning on January 2, 2014.

We go for 90 days (ending the evening of April 1, 2014), making a covenant with ourselves (and with God) that we will not quit on our health and this journey.  We can do anything for 90 days.  And once we’ve done that…we’ll go from there.  One day at a time.

January 2, 2014 at 6:30pm at Julie’s house. 

This is a drop in and is for anyone who WANTS to attend—it is not required for your journey.   At that event, we will have a scale available for starting weights.  You’ll be able to be measured if you want to keep track of your measurements.   We’ll take “Before” photos, so you can track your journey in photographs.  And we’ll have all of the tools to create vision boards that will serve as your reminder of why you want to continue on this journey.  We’ll also share tips and recipes throughout the night.  It’s just a motivational kick-off! 

Don’t live in Lancaster, PA?  Consider getting together at your house with your friends who are also doing the transformation!

RSVP to me if you plan on coming to the kick off and I will send you my address!

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