Saturday, December 28, 2013

Introducing Hope Bassett

I have asked my colleague and dear friend Hope to join us on this page for added support!  I am in awe over how many people have contacted me to begin this transformation in the first 90 days of 2014.  Hope has had many people contact her as well.  So, we thought it best to just team together and have her here as a resource and connection for all of you as well!  We have gone through the same certification course and both share the same passion for helping others.  Hope's story is much different than mine, and will certainly appeal to many of you here.  Her struggles have mostly been with her health and with emotional eating.  She is particularly excellent at addressing anyone with food allergies as well as those who desire to eat very clean, organic and whole foods.  She is a great example of how the habits of health can change a life beyond just weight loss and it is an HONOR to have her here on this site with us!


  1. Excellent! Hope we look forward to hearing your ideas along this journey as well. I am interested in putting back more organic foods into my diet and eliminating heavy glutens and refined sugars.

    1. Thank you, Victoria! I look forward to sharing. I have definitely found many benefits to cutting out gluten and sugar from my diet. If you have specific questions, please email them to me so I can answer them as best as possible! Looking forward to this journey with you!

  2. Hello, my name is doctor has recommended that I remove all gluten from my diet. I've also had blood work done that shows allergies to eggs,wheat, beef, diary, and casein. I'm looking to make healthy changes in the coming. We've already tried the radical all at once diet change, gave up, and are eating worse than before. We look forward to learning through this journey.


    1. Hi Tiffany!! I'm so excited that you're here!! It sure can feel overwhelming to make so many changes all at once! No wonder it was difficult! Because that IS difficult!! It will be great to share and grow together!!!! Please let me know if you have specific questions!!!!
