Tuesday, December 31, 2013

PLAN to Succeed!

Someone told me early in my weight loss journey, "Julie, if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail."  Wow!  Those are words that really stuck with me.

If you haven't done so already, make your meal plan for the week.  If you're doing Option #1, check easy recipes for lean & green meals from B, L & D.  And then make a plan for your in-between snacks.  What will they be?  Don't leave anything to chance!  "Chance" finds us cruising through a drive-thru.  I suggest not having more than 15g of carb at any of your meals or snacks.  Having some carb is important though, so don't skip it all together.  Remember, veggies have carbs too, which is how you can get what you need at your lean & green.

If you're doing Option #2, then make a plan--like my friend Kathleen did in the above photo--for your dinners.  Make sure you have all the ingredients on hand and prep anything ahead of time that you can!

You'll find two of my favorite websites for recipes on the sidebar under "Healthy Resources."  If you're on Sandy's Kitchen, make sure you stick to her "Medifast Only" tab for lean & green, healthy meals.

Feel free to follow me on Pinterest as well!  I have a board of lean & green options (always check your Quick Start Guide, because sometimes these recipes need to be tweaked slightly) as well as Healthy Holiday Cooking (green and tan recipes are lean & green).

I also have a lot of resources available to you on my Facebook Health Coaching site!  Make sure you click on "LIKE" so that you can follow it, as I add new things to it often.

Here we go!


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