Monday, December 23, 2013

Welcome to the 90 Day Transformation!

Thank you for joining me on this 90 day transformation!  I really would love for this to be a place where there is interaction, so feel free to introduce yourself in the comments sections and rise to the challenges I'll be posting here each day.  This is going to be fun and we're going to lay down new habits.

Charlotte Mason, a British educator who revolutionized how we looked at helping children form good habits, said: "Habits are to life as rails are to trains."

For many of us, our trains have been going down some pretty rough rails for a long time.  And they've taken us to some unhealthy places.  So, over the next 90 days, we're going to do the hard work (and the HEART work) of pulling up those rails and laying down new tracks that take us where we want to go. This isn't just about weight loss, it's about becoming a healthy person in every area of our lives.

While you're waiting for the 90 days to begin on January 2, please feel free to share what you hope to gain out of this transformation!

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