Monday, December 30, 2013

Toast the New Year in with Some H2O

How much water should you be drinking?

Dr. A. recommends drinking half your body weight in ounces. (So, if you weigh 240 pounds, you will drink 120 oz. of water).  You will find, after the first week or two, that drinking that much really isn't too hard and you'll spend less time in the bathroom, even though you're still drinking a lot.  The volume of water will also help you battle hunger during the first few days.


  1. A great way to track how much water you are drinking throughout the day is to use a 24 oz water bottle (for example). Put 5 rubber bands around the bottom of it. As you finish each 24 oz amount throughout your day, push one rubber band up to the top half of the bottle to represent each bottle drank. After all 5 rubber bands are on the top half, you have drank 120 oz (please calculate the proper amount for yourself. These amounts were just an example).

  2. Love that suggestion!!! I think I need to go to Staples for fun colored rubber bands. OOOH. MAYBE I WILL STEAL ML PONY TAIL BANDS. :)

  3. That just seems like so much water. For me, this would be 150 oz (18.75 cups or 2 1/3 gallons). Is that right? I can't see how I could drink that much water :-/

    1. Yes, that's the right amount of water and exactly where I was at when I started. It's not about perfection, so if you don't hit it exactly, fine--but at least you'll be drinking much more water if you're TRYING to get in 150oz, right? You can do it! Water is SOOO good for you!

  4. That's true!

    When I try to add more water, two things happen. One, my stomach kind of hurts (maybe it's not used to that much volume?). Two, I have to use the bathroom constantly.

    Can unsweetened coffee or tea count towards the total amount? I usually drink a cup of coffee a day, and sometimes green, chai or herbal tea.

