Friday, February 21, 2014

40 Days | DYOH Book Study Chapters 9 & 10

Chapter 9 – First Steps:  Your Choice of Health as a Priority

Our New Health Orientation:  Our Primary Choice, which is the most important to us, guides us to do the secondary actions that support it.  If the Primary Choice is Optimal Health then our secondary choices (healthy eating, exercise, stress reduction, restorative sleep) will support the primary choice for Optimal Health.

In order to bring focus to habits of health (our secondary choices), we need to create skills, strategies, and tools to make optimal health a reality.
    - Mindfulness – be aware of emotions, triggers and stress that can cause us to lose focus
    - Visit the doctor – knowledge is power; find out if there are any health issues that you need to focus on
    - Visit the dentist – dental health is also important as it can be directly tied to longevity
Question:  What secondary action may cause you to stumble on the road to optimal health?

Chapter 10 – Crating Your Healthy New World
    - Modify Your Surroundings
    - Establish a Stong Support Network
    - Put Yourself at the Center – 12-Week Health Transformation

12-Week Health Transformation - 

    - Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation
    - Tame Your Inner Self – STOP-CHALLENGE-CHOOSE

Question:  What changes to your environment will be difficult?

For Further Reading:
Dr. A’s Habits of Health
Chapter 4:  Health is All About Choice

Chapter 6: Your Blueprint for Safe, Rapid Weight Loss

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