Monday, February 10, 2014

50 Days | The Pressure to Be Perfect? No!

Today, I am just going to share my personal blog with all of you.  Many of you want to know how my 90 days are going, and I've been elusive.  This is why.

Some of you are hiding.  You don't want to be seen.  You don't want to contact me, because you're ashamed or embarrassed.  But please...know who I am.  I am weak, just like all of you.  I am no hero. And I am not perfect.  I am also not without hope.  And neither are you...



  1. Depression is such an interesting thing. It really can be an invisible cloud that effects so many parts of our lives. Getting good support is so key & I am not just talking about a counselor or medicine. My support system of friends, family, & prayer warriors are like an army just for me & I wouldn't trade them all for anything. Julie, your vulnerability is beautiful & I pray you find your way to continuing healing. Every step whether it is forward or backward on this journey is worth it! Thank you for leading in your honesty it is very helpful to know we are not alone.

  2. I love that phrase Daisy wrote - "Leading in your honesty." Thank you, Julie, for being willing to lead and show your vulnerability. It was touching and beautiful to read your personal struggle and it makes me feel more connected to you in this journey. I pray that God will breathe fresh life into you today as you continue to put one foot in front of the other in your journey...the unique journey God is walking you through. God bless you, Friend!
