Monday, January 27, 2014

65 Days: Kathleen's Story

Kathleen is a valued client of mine, and also a certified health coach on my team.  I am so grateful for the work that has happened in her life and that I've gotten to walk alongside her on this journey!  She is also the one leading us through Discover Your Optimal Health every Thursday as our online book study.

Determination - Winning the Race

This journey of health began several years ago because of a weekend with the girls.  I finally admitted to some friends that I was afraid to go to the doctor because of what she might tell me out my weight and my health.  But with their encouragement, I made the appointment.  The nurse did the typical checks of weight, temperature, and blood pressure.  When the doctor came in, she was very alarmed at how high my blood pressure was and call the cardiologist office in the building to see if they could see me right away.  You can imagine that I was starting to be very scared which probably shot my bp up even higher.  The cardiologist said that I needed to go immediately to the ER.  Long story shortened, I did go to the ER and then met with the cardiologist who admitted me to the hospital to get my bp under control with IV medication. I needed to stay in the hospital overnight.  I also was diagnosed with diabetes at that time.

I was overwhelmed!  I was scared!  I was ashamed!  How could I let it get this bad?

As I laid in the hospital bed that night (I had never been in the hospital before),  I had such a sweet experience with my Lord.  I had this sense that I was completely being held in His hand!  He was there in that hospital room with me and I had such a sense of peace and that He would be with me through this entire situation.  But I had a choice to make, was I going to continue down the path that I had set for myself by being unhealthy and overweight or was I going to make changes in my life in order to extend my life.

My choice was health!  

With bp medications, we were able to lower my bp to a normal range, but that in my mind was not how I wanted to live my life.  The reason my bp was so high was due to my weight and after conversations with my doctor, she assured me that there was a possibility that I could completely reverse my health issues, if I was willing to do the work that it was required to lose weight.  I also had the issue with the diabetes to address.  I didn't want to be taking more medications for that too!

So, I became determined!

I met with my doctor and told her that I had a plan to lose weight and get healthy and could we postpone starting medication for the diabetes.  I met with a diabetic counselor and did the work to change my eating habits and lose weight.  I was able to lose about 75 lbs and was able to lower my blood sugar to a normal range.  I never had to take medication.

Over time some of weight started to creep back on.  Although I had made some changes, there were still the heart issues and bad habits in place that I had not contended with yet, but I still was determined that I had to move forward, but how?

I was reading Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst while away on vacation with a friend and started sharing with her what I was reading.  I realized that God did not want me to live in this defeat; I was made for victory!  My friend shared a video of a really good friend of hers who had lost over 100 lbs.  It was a rap video about her journey and it was so amazing!  She was a certified health coach for Take Shape for Life.  I contacted her.  I told her my story and that I was so afraid to fail again. This Godly woman reached out her hand to me and has help me on this journey of health and hope.

I have changed some of my bad habits and put in their place new habits of health.  I have  done some hard work with God about the heart issues that have contributed to me being obese, but more importantly I have confessed to Him my sin of craving something other than Him!

I am now more determined than ever!

I have lost over 60 lbs in the last year (110 since I was in the hospital) and understand that this is a lifelong journey for me.

...let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. ~ Hebrews 12:1

Speaking of running, I am now training to run a 5K!  This is something that I never thought I would be able to do! I am made for victory!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing that inspiring story! I am so glad I got to meet you at the kick off and I look forward to hearing more about your journey and your successes as well as how you handled setbacks and obstacles. God bless!
