Thursday, January 23, 2014

69 Days | DYOH Ch 1 & 2 with Kathleen

Welcome to the first week of Kathleen's book study on Discover Your Optimal Health by Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen.  If you do not yet own this book, I recommend it!  Purchase it at any book seller.  It hit the New York Times Best Seller list its first week on the market and it will change the way you think about HEALTH!

Kathleen's short video will walk you through the first two chapters.  Remember, she's new at this online study thing, too, so she already has some improved ideas for the coming weeks!  I think you'll find this encouraging...whether you did the assignment or not.

(Feel free to include your answers in the blog comments or message your coach!)

Chapter 1 – Our Unhealthy World

What are some of your current bad habits?

What changes are you willing to make to move toward optimal health?

Chapter 2 – Are you healthy?

What is your current mind-set regarding health?

What are some actions you are taking to improve health every day?

How are your daily habits leading you toward health?

Chapter 3 – Selling Sickness
Chapter 4 – Does health really matter?

Dig Deeper:
Dr. A’s Habits of Health: Preface, Introduction, and Chapters 1 & 2


  1. One thing I've been pondering during this 90 days is how committed I really want to be to this "health thing." I have always had an aversion to being too health conscious - looking at every ingredient, severely restricting anything not very clean or organic, avoiding every chemical... instead I have been focused on a healthy weight, active lifestyle, and overall healthy, low calorie, moderate eating. But I wonder if I'm missing out. I'm starting to be willing to explore more about the deeper issues of health but there's also a part of me that doesn't want to go overboard and get obsessed with it. Does anyone relate?

    1. Definitely, Heather! I don't think we should be obsessing about anything--that feels like the opposite of freedom and I want to be FREE! I think that's why I emphasize so much (as does Dr. A) about what motivates you. Because if it's just a list of "rules" to follow and "must be's" imposed on me--count me out! But if it's about being informed, knowing what I really want (to be health, yes...but for me, it's to be free and to glorify God in my body so that I can be a light for Him) then...sign me up! Hope it helps to hear where I am with this! :) By the way, I am so grateful for your encouragement and comments both here and on our FB page! I'm really glad you're here! Let's be healthy (and not obsess) together!!! :) :) :)

    2. Great words, Julie - Thanks!
