Thursday, January 30, 2014

62 Days | DYOH Book Study Week #2

I really love this one!  Kathleen shares more of her story as it relates to these two chapters.  Here's the summary and her questions:

Chapter 3 – Selling Sickness

“America’s health care system is neither healthy, caring nor a system.” 
~ Walter Cronkite

3 Eras of Healthcare
1.    Development of medicines to prevent or cure disease by outside invaders (bacteria/viruses)
2.    Development of medications for chronic diseases i.e. heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes
3.    Focus on what is in the patients best interests instead of relying on medicines and surgery

We have two choices:
1.    Take a bunch of expensive medicines and develop progressive disease
2.    Address the problems by eating healthier and adopting habits of health

Chapter 4 – Does Health Really Matter?

Why is health important?
Good health can reverse some of the health issues that we develop
Good health can prevent the expense and inconvenience of many doctor’s appointments and prescription medications

Questions for comment:

Do you have current health issues that are being controlled by medications?

Could changing your habits and making healthier choices help your current state of health?

What are you willing to do to affect change in your health?

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