Monday, January 6, 2014

86 | Capturing Your Vision for the Future

Yesterday we talked about your motivation for being on this journey.  Today, I'm giving you a fun, helpful activity that will make your motivation really come to life for you.  This is a fun project to do alone or with a group of friends.

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is typically a poster board on which you paste or collage images that you’ve torn out from various magazines. It’s simple. Really. If you don’t believe me, check out my free ebook on vision boards here.

The idea behind this is that when you surround yourself with images of who you want to become, what you want to have, where you want to live, or where you want to vacation, your life changes to match those images and those desires.

Supplies you’ll need for creating a Vision Board:

- Poster board. (Target sells a really nice matte finish board. I highly recommend it.)

-      - A big stack of different magazines. (Don’t have magazines?  Ask a hair salon, the library, a doctor’s office—they all just throw them away, typically!  Or do what I did—ask on Facebook.) Make sure you find lots of different types. If you limit your options, you’ll lose interest after a while.
- Glue. Not Elmers. (It makes the pages ripple.) I like using I like Rubber Cement. Glue sticks are my second choice.

Here's my first vision board!  I love looking at this.  It's really time for me to make a new one.  So much of it has already happened.  We got a dog; I wore a dress similar to that one I have cut out (although at the time I cut that out, my goal was simply to WEAR a dress since I didn't wear them when I was obese); I grew my hair long (and cut it off again); I AM serving God through serving others; I DO dream out loud; I CAN zip boots up my calves; my family did travel a lot this past year...

The Five Steps of Creating a Vision Board:

Step 1: Go through your magazines and tear the images from them. No gluing yet! Just let yourself have lots of fun looking through magazines and pulling out pictures or words or headlines that strike your fancy. Have fun with it. Make a big pile of images and phrases and words.

Step 2: Go through the images and begin to lay your favorites on the board. Eliminate any images that no longer feel right. This step is where your intuition comes in. As you lay the pictures on the board, you’ll get a sense how the board should be laid out. For instance, you might assign a theme to each corner of the board. Health, Job, Spirituality, Relationships… Or it may just be that the images want to go all over the place.

Step 3: Glue everything onto the board. Add writing if you want. You can paint on it, or write words with markers.

Step 4: (optional, but powerful) Leave space in the very center of the vision board for a fantastic photo of yourself where you look radiant and happy. Paste yourself in the center of your board.

Step 5: Get out your mobile device and take a picture of your board.  This way, you’ll have it with you at all times.  Then, hang your vision board in a place where you will see it often.

Tomorrow we’ll talk about what I call “The Two Plates In Front of You”—and you’ll see why the vision board will be so helpful on your journey!


  1. Now is the time! I didn't do the vision board when I started my Journey in Sept.. I feel led now! thank you for the nudge.... sweet nudge. Thank you Lord for these committed ladies!

    So, Julie, when do you sleep?... jk! thank you for you blog!

  2. Ha, ha, look at the time on my comment... maybe , perhaps you are not posting at 2 am....sorry :)

  3. Yeah, a lot of you have asked me if I stay up really late to post to the blog. The answer! I have the posts all ready and in a cue, scheduled to post at a certain time. So, why not 2am?! That way I'm sure the post is there for you in the morning, even if you're a super early riser!

    1. Plus, I think the default in Blogger is Pacific Time! Imagine us in sunny California today--since the windchill here later is going to be -20!

  4. I'm down 5.3 lbs and sticking with the program every step of the way. Thanks Julie for the daily encouragement. Honestly, I am motivated by the fact that I want to be healthy and the accountability of giving you my updates on Thursday keep me going.

    1. Woot woot! This is awesome!!!! So glad to be walking by your side, Bro!

  5. I am totally doing this (once it is not -40 degrees and I am willing to leave the house). Today I am going to do a vision board on pinterest! I love pinterest and I think this would be a healthy way for me spend my time on this snow day. Thanks for the support Julie!

  6. Ladies, I have to say that when I made my vision board awhile back, it was actually a ton of fun (I was kinda dreading it). I'm not the creative type, but this brought out some really neat things for what I'm wanting!! I just used pictures from the internet. As I thought of things I envisioned, I just googled it and found a lot of photos I could print out. It brings me such encouragement as I go thru my days!!!

    1. I'm glad you did one, Hope! Maybe it's time to keep working on adding new things to yours. :) :) :)

  7. I make a vision board every January for my work goals! Being commission based, this helps me focus on what I am working for! I typically accomplish half my goals or more every year!
