So, here's today's question...
do you want to change?
No...really. WHY? Why would you do this 90 day challenge?
Why do you want to improve your health?
You might make
changes at first, but soon one of two things will likely happen:
1) You'll have some measure of success and soon you will start to doubt that you need to continue and you'll go back to your old ways.
2) You will not have the success you're looking for, or at least not have it fast enough, and then you'll want to quit and return to your old habits.
motivation leads to a very predictable cycle:
- You take action steps
- You feel start to look and/or feel better
- The pressure to take action now lessens
- Your emotional conflict diminishes
- You don’t see a need to continue taking
- Your original behavior returns.
When Fear Comes Calling
Once upon a time you were lost in a dark forest. The night sky was wrapped around you like a foreboding, menacing cloak. You couldn't see more than a few feet in front of you. With heart pounding, you put one step in front of the other in hopes to get out of the dense, dark wood. And then, just when you thought it couldn't get worse, it does.

Despite your lack of clear vision, you begin to run. The rhythm of your steps is keeping time with the pounding of your heart. You can hear the beasts creeping in on you, so you look back to see if you can guess their distance. THUD! You trip over some vines and branches. Your ankle twisted, your hands scuffed and your face bleeding, you find the strength to get up and keep on running. Now you're stumbling, praying to God that you will get out alive, when suddenly a large fallen tree is in the middle of your path. With hands throbbing in pain from your fall, you can hardly even think of how you can overcome this impossible obstacle.

You throw your leg up over the tree, but you fall and miss your hurdle. Don't stop now! you tell yourself, and despite your pain, you try one more time to get over the obstacle before you. It seems impassable, and one more time you fail to clear the obstruction. OH GOD, NO!
In hopeless surrender, you curl up in a ball and cry. Tired. Weak. Injured. And wolves...about to bear down on you. There seems to be no escape. You lay down and accept your fate.
Your last thoughts are of your family and how you never planned for this to be the end.
Where Treasure Awaits
You read the note again.
All the riches to sustain you and your family for the rest of your life await you under the Golden Gate Bridge. You, your children, and your grandchildren will never want for anything. The treasure chest has your name on it. It's waiting for you to claim it. All you have to do is get to it. Oh, and you may not use any form of transportation other than your own two feet.

Would you go? Of course!
You're out of shape, and it's a very, very long walk--so you better take some friends. Make sure you have the proper clothing and all that you need for such a long distance. Grab a map're off.
It's a hard journey. Much harder than you expected. First, it's blisters on your heels. Then pain in your thighs and calves. Your back feels like you've carried bricks all day and your lips are chapped and dried from the sun. You've hardly begun.

You cry, but know it's worth the pain. You rest a few days and get back up to walk. You limp, but others hold you and help you. You rest when needed and walk when able. At some points you even find the energy to run.
The Golden Gate Bridge is close now, but you begin to doubt.
"What if the treasure isn't actually there? What if this isn't what I want? I'm a total fool!" You turn back and walk miles backward toward home, crying.
"You've come so far! Please--don't go this way! C'mon," your friend says. "Just go look. Go see if it's real. Go see if it's really what you want."
For days you sit and think. And then you get up and you keep walking toward the bridge.
There it is! A treasure box with YOUR name on it, just like the note said. You open it and begin to weep. The journey was worth it! You found exactly what was promised.
What's the Difference in These Two Stories?
A running toward.
When fear motivates you--you will eventually lay down and give up. It's too hard. The inevitable will simply happen and you will be devoured.
When vision and hopes motivate you--you will press on at all costs. When you see a treasure before you, you will find motivation to keep going even on the darkest most painful days!
So--what is motivating you?
Let's go back to today's question...
Why do you want to change?
Tomorrow we're going to starting talking about vision boards. If you have some magazines handy, start flipping through them today...looking for images and words that inspire you! My friends, we are all here together. Not all of us will find it's worth it to go on this full journey. But for those of you who can really find your "why"--we can be those friends that spur one another on when the trip gets difficult, when there's pain in our joints, when we doubt that what we want is really possible...
More on this tomorrow!
What do I want to change? I want to be a Mom to my son that is fun and active, that can play football, baseball, soccer and tennis whenever he wants for however long he wants! I want to be active!
ReplyDeletefind some pictures to represent these things, Kelly! You'll see why in another day or so. I want to do these things with my kids too. To be young and vibrant long into my old age. To be that grandma that people say...wait, that's not your MOM?! Ha ha! That's a long way off--but if that's what I want in my old age, I better start working on it today.
DeleteSo sweet, Kelly. And I know Sam...that's a LOT of energy you'll need! Won't it be awesome one day soon when SAM says, "Mom, I'm tired, let's stop playing..." You will smile - big time - and praise God for this journey!
DeleteI am changing to be here for my family. Many of you know I had a friend my age die of a heart attack a few days before Thanksgiving. She left behind a husband and three amazing children. I won't do that to my husband or children.
ReplyDeleteJulie, thank you for always being here for me (us). You have made a world of difference throughout my journey!!
You've been one of those friends I'm glad is on this journey with me. You've pushed me when I haven't wanted to get back up and used the happy stick on me when I was in pain! LOL! (I actually wish I had that happy stick! ha ha!) I thank God that you walked into my life, Mandy! Yankee Candle did that--one reason to be thankful for it! That and...salted caramel candles!
DeleteJust this morning I read this quote from Leo Tolstoy - "The changes in our life must come from the impossibility to live otherwise than according to the demands of our conscience, not from our mental resolution to try a new form of life." That speaks to what Julie said today - that our motivation is the key to lasting change. For me in this long journey (almost 20 years working on my health), I have become convinced in my inner most being that I want to take care of this body God has given me so that I can have the strength and energy to do whatever He asks of me every day. Life is short and our time is valuable. In order to make a difference in the lives of others, I need to do my part by taking care of the main tool I have - my body. Over the years when motivation is weak, that is what brings me back to these habits and remains my foundation.
ReplyDeleteI want to dance. Been teaching for years & I have these awesome things I see God putting together in motion & want to be able to do what I see God calling me toward.
ReplyDeleteFood, and making it an IDOL, putting it before GOD , has been holding me back from serving HIM in all aspects of my life. I want to love, serve, play, move, be free to go wherever HE leads me. I want my kids to not be ashamed, but proud of what God has done in me. I wan to set healthy lifestyle examples for my children, for them to follow and hand to their children. I want to be in HIS will, and I need to be ready, healthy, and on fire with energy while I listen for HIS whispers! Never will a Rock cry out in my place! Praise the Lord!
ReplyDeleteI don't want to be controlled by food. I don't want to plan around meals and have food as the basis for most of my decisions. I don't want to hurt when I move. I want to be active. I don't ever want to not be able to do something because of a weight restriction....there are so many things I can't do right now.
ReplyDeleteI want to change so I am glorifying God. The thing I most want to change during this transformation is how I respond in situations that tempt me to anger. I am seeking God in this, but I'm also looking for practical actions I can take in those moments. I can be more aware of my triggers. I can stop.challenge.choose to breathe life in the moments that push me toward anger. I don't want to be this angry example to my children. I want to be a patient mom. I am becoming a mother with great understanding! I can envision this and pray scripture and lean on the Lord!
ReplyDeleteToday I had the opportunity to remember that everything I could ever need or want I already have in Christ. This helped me to not want to demand perfect obedience from my 3 year old in anger. God is at work. I'm excited to see how things look in 87 days.
I wish the blog had a "Like" button - I'm so blessed to read these responses! :-0)